Invest in the Future for Raptors
Make a Gift that will keep Giving

Help protect birds of prey for future generations
When you donate to Ojai Raptor Center's Endowment Fund, your gift will provide ongoing support for years to come.
What is an Endowment Fund?
An Endowment Fund is a long-term investment. Once established, the money in the Endowment is invested and the income from the investment supports the charity with the fund, in this case, Ojai Raptor Center. The amount ORC can withdraw is a small percentage. Therefore, the Endowment will last in perpetuity; the more money in the fund, the more programs it can support!
Who is Managing the Endowment Fund?
Ojai Raptor Center's Endowment Fund is managed by the Ventura County Community Foundation who will oversee all investments.
Why Should I Contribute to the Endowment Fund Rather Than Making a General Donation?
A donation to the Endowment Fund is an investment in Ojai Raptor Center's future.
Where Can I Learn More?
Email ORC Director of Development and Fundraising for more information at